Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Free Web Traffic Through Page Rank

  • Many surfers use the Google or Alexa bar that integrates into their web browsers which consequently makes it easier for them to search and navigate through Internet. However, how many have the “overall page rank” indicator on these bars which shows either a ranking or the importance of the page?
  • The overall page rank in directories like Google, Yahoo or Alexa is the key factor while doing a search. It decides which website or page deserves the top places in the results of the search of a keyword. The search engine basically calculates the importance of the webpage.
  • For example, let’s say that you prepared a webpage supplying the users with focused, detailed and understandable info. You think your page deserves a high importance, therefore when you search for the theme of your website, you believe it should be shown in the top 20. Well, sometimes life is cruel. If you don’t optimize your webpage for a specific keyword, if you don’t get enough inbound links directing the user to your site, you would be disappointed by the 1/10 importance rating in Google. Don’t give up! It’s still worth fighting for. There are several factors which decide the page rank of a website.
  • First of all, Internet is not like the streets of a city: if you put your “shop” in a busy street, people will drop by your place. No visit on Internet is a coincidence. You have to create your links from other sites (inbound links). You also have to increase the internal linking of your website so that visitors can just “hang around” in your site. So your first factor for the page rank is the linking of your page.
  • Secondly, pages which attract more users (i.e. number of unique daily users) are obviously more important in the “eyes” of the search engines. This, being the dependent variable in our equation, grows directly proportional to the inbound links. So, page rank also increases with the number of unique users.
  • At last, relative, focused content increases the importance of your page (page rank). Initially, every page you add to your site increases the overall page rank of the whole before you start adding in-context hyperlinks; “in-context” hyperlinks because according to Google authorities, the hyperlinks that you place inside the content of the page are accepted more valuable.
  • One of the best things you can do is add a Site Map. Google and other search engines love them! It their robots/spiders find your pages and properly index them. I have found an easy and free way to do this. Download Google's Free Site Map Generator here.
  • http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/sitemap-generator.html#download
  • Briefly, on the web, there are no lucky days, no coincidences or no serendipities. If you want traffic on your page, you have to create it yourself. You have to put quality, focused and original content, you have to increase the number of the inbound links. The traffic on your site will increase automatically depending on the other variables. Finally, one day you will look at your site and see that the page rank has jumped from 1 to 4 or even higher. Then you will understand that “La vita e bella.”

Friday, November 30, 2007

Statistik Pengguna Internet

  • Statistik tahun 2005 menunjukkan peluang yang amat besar untuk perniagaan Internet secara keseluruhan:
  • Pengguna Internet di dunia pada Disember 2005 adalah 1,018,057,389 pengguna mengikut Internet World Stats.
  • Menurut NITC, jumlah pengguna Internet di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 10,040,000 pengguna pada Disember 2005. Jumlah ini adalah 38% daripada jumlah keseluruhan penduduk Malaysia. Jumlah terbesar bertumpu di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor dan Pulau Pinang.
  • Sejak tahun 2000 sehingga kini, kadar penambahan penggunaan Internet di Malaysia adalah hampir 200%! Melihat statistik ini, ia menunjukkan penggunaan Internet di Malaysia bertambah dengan kadar yang amat pantas.
  • Internet World Stats mencatatkan terdapat 364.3 juta pengguna Internet di Asia. Jumlah ini adalah lebih dari pengguna Internet di Eropah (290.12 juta pengguna) dan Amerika Syarikat (225.8 juta pengguna) pada Disember 2005.

Adsense – The Powerful Passive Income Generator

  • Webmasters have a revolutionary new method of collecting income from their websites.
  • Whereas in the past advertising revenue was reserved for those sites with large a coming and going of visitors, now even teenagers are making a quick buck with their online hobby blogs. People place adsense on their online family photo albums, their blogs and their business sites. The minimum you would get, even with a small amount of traffic, is for adsense to pay for your hosting costs.
  • Adsense revolutionized the world of paid advertising; banner advertising is based on the number of visitors you attract to your site, so the number of “banner impressions” dictate the revenue you receive. Google Adsense is quite different; it is the number of visitors that actually click on the advertising that determine how much you earn.
  • There is also a great disparity between payouts; because advertisers bid up the price for certain keywords, some ads pay more than others. As such, a site with few visitors but expensive keywords in their google ads can potentially still pull in a hefty payout.
  • Google really has taken the web by storm; attracted to passive income, more and more people are seriously capitalizing on their Google adsense advertising. Some of the highest earners manage to attract enough visitors to make a four figure monthly income, just from using adsense alone! This is not one of those get-rich-quick schemes and Google’s adsense success is largely thanks to the fact that Google already enjoyed a fantastic reputation before introducing the program. They are a publicly traded company with physical headquarters. This, and the fact that anyone can apply to use adsense for free, has caused millions of people to sign up. For google it was a smart move, because now they extend their presence to countless websites and generate millions of dollars in advertising revenue. People were never reluctant to sign up, because the program is free. Google benefits by more people using adsense, so offering it for free was the best thing they could do.
  • One of the driving forced behind the program are its relevance to each and every page on a website; the program picks up keywords appearing in the website copy and automatically displays relevant ads. This increases the chances of people clicking through, and the webmaster collecting more revenue.
  • People are leveraging their income by operating several websites and attempting to attract as many targeted visitors as possible; in many instances we can observe that people work hard at a site, then once it is established they can largely leave it alone, yet still collect significant checks.
  • A major concern for entrepreneurs was the danger of a competitors ads showing up on their site; thanks to the adsense feature where it only displays relevant advertising. However this problem was solved by offering webmasters the option of filtering out unwanted ads. They can submit the URL of the competing site in their account, and any ads from the website will be blocked.
  • Google recently came out with a new feature: small targeted keywords based on the site’s content are displayed; then as people click on those, a page opens showing a variety of pay-per-click ads based on that keyword. This gives webmasters the chance of displaying more advertising in less space.
  • Adsense also adds creditability to your website; the more focused the content, the better the ads will be and this encourages people to built high quality websites. These make the net a better place and generally provide a free service; site owners can afford to share their expertise or passions because they can receive indirect revenue’s. The visitor does not pay for the information; instead the advertisers do, making the website’s existence possible in the first place.
  • It is no surprise Google adsense is the most widely used form of advertising; they have created a program that is beneficial to both advertisers and users with their “no click no pay” mechanism, or more popularly called “pay-per-click”. Advertisers do not pay for ads that are not drawing visitors, and website owners are paid more for each click than they would if the system were based on the number of people viewing the ads, instead of clicking on them.
  • All in all Google adsense has developed itself into a powerful tool, used by large corporations and the kid next door. They have truly revolutionized how the web thinks about advertising and made the process more profitable for site owners, while less costly for advertisers.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Joint Google Adsense

Peluan masih terbuka

Peluang untuk anda masih terbuka untuk memulakan perniagaan internet kerana

pengguna internet pasti akan meningkat setiap tahun. Mereka akan menjadi prospek untuk anda menjual produk anda.

Dunia kini mempunyai lebih dari 6 Bilion penduduk. Jika anda dapat menarik hanya sedikit sahaja dari mereka untuk menjadi pelanggan anda, anda pasti sudah menjadi jutawan. Mungkin anda takut untuk memulakan bisnes antarabangsa. Anda boleh tumpukan kepada lebih dari 10 juta pengguna Internet di Malaysia. Jumlah itu pasti akan terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Penduduk Malaysia yang berjumlah 26 juta kini pasti akan terus membuka mata bagi mengunakan internet. Mereka adalah prospek anda.

Namun,kenapa sempitkan peluang anda untuk jadi kaya? Semua orang mahu kaya.Maka keluarlah berbagai-bagai Skim Cepat Kaya, tikam nombor ekor dan sebagainya atas dasar untuk cepat kaya. Ramai yang tertipu dengannya.Tanpa mereka sedar,mereka menuju ke arah Cepat miskin. Penganjurnya yang cepat kaya hasil menipu orang ramai. Untuk menjelajahi perniagaan internet, perkara penting ialah menguasai bahasa Inggeris.

Hari ini bahasa Inggeris telah menjadi penghubung antara benua dan segala etnik di muka bumi. Jangan jadikannya sebagai alasan anda untuk tidak meceburi bidang internet ini. Usahakanlah untuk membangunkan diri anda. Keluarkan sedikit modal untuk mepelajari bahasa Ingeris untuk kemajuan diri anda sendiri. Seseorang yang berilmu pasti dihormati orang lain..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

google adsense

3 Deadly Search Engine Marketing Sins

  • My inbox this week provided glaring examples of three all too common rookie search engine marketing mistakes. What you could call three deadly search engine marketing sins. Starting with
  • ===> Inadequate Keyword Research
  • Hey! If you’re going to spend hours developing a web site, isn’t it smart to invest some time to insure you’re focusing on the most traffic laden keywords?
  • Especially when typically the plural form of a keyword phrase generates way more traffic than the singular form. For example "dog dishes" rather than "dog dish".
  • Yet just this week I was asked to look at a site that had focused on the singular form. Evidently the owner hadn’t bothered to do any digging to make sure that was their best keyword move.
  • Look, you’ll never know for sure unless you research it. Besides, you can access Wordtracker, the tool of choice for what? a measly $7 a day.
  • Even better here’s a quick and dirty way to get the most out of that day.
  • Search for your target keyword in Google.
  • Visit the top ranking sites. Use the "View Source" feature of Internet Explorer to check out the keyword meta tag of each site. You're looking for a site listing lots of keywords there. Do this with each of the top listings or until you find one stuffed to the gills with keywords. Ah-ha! There’s your starting point for your list of likely keyword phrases.
  • Repeat with a couple of other sites and you’ll soon have a long list of candidates to check out in Wordtracker.
  • Enhance your list further using this tool:
  • http://www.promoteindia.com/keywordtool-beta.htm.
  • It will give you more keyword ideas from Google and Overture.
  • Now you’re ready for Wordtracker.
  • Once you’ve compiled your Wordtracker results, you could simply sort by KEI and then by searches per day.
  • That gives you the strongest keywords with the most searches. (And yes, I realize KEI assumes all search engine listings are of equal value. But I did say this was "quick and dirty" didn't I? However if you want another approach that improves on KEI there’s a spreadsheet available at http://www.seo-works.com/seo-resources/keyword-effectiveness-rank.html)
  • Anyway, once you're sorted your keywords in some way to highlight the most profitable, simply take the top 25 on the list and create content for those first. No, not every one will be a natural born traffic magnet. But enough of them will be to get the ball rolling.
  • Repeat with the next 25. Don’t stop until you have at least 100 pages of hot content.
  • Remember, two or three word keyword phrases are usually your best bets. And I really like keyword phrases that are actually several keyword phrases in one. For example "irish setter dog dishes" gives "irish setter", "irish setter dog", "dog", "dog dishes", "setter dog dishes".
  • ===> Site Bloat
  • Twice this week I was asked to look at sites that would have let me read War and Peace while waiting for them to come up. And no visitor is going to have a copy of that handy.
  • To avoid losing any precious visitors lose the huge graphics. One of the sites had a graphic 501K in size! No wonder it took nearly two minutes to load up on a 56K modem.
  • Then too lose the Flash - unless you have a very good reason for using it. Even then lose the Flash.
  • If you’re wondering how your site's download time measures up test it here: http://www.netmechanic.com/toolbox/html-code.htm
  • It won’t cost anything to find out. But a slow loading site can cost you plenty. Because as the Net Mechanics follow up reports says, it's a good idea to keep your page load times under about 12 seconds on a 28.8 modem. Otherwise your visitors will be wearing out the back button trying to escape.
  • ===> Too Few Links
  • Did you know links can account for up to 80% of your success with Google? Yet someone else complained to me about how much work it took to get them.
  • Well doh! Ever think that maybe that’s why (in part) Google assigns so much value to links? Because you can’t quite as easily game links as you can on page content? Meaning you actually have to work to get links. Both by having link worthy content and by actively seeking them out on a regular basis.
  • It’s a given that most niches require you have a healthy collection of links to be competitive. Yet if you’re lucky enough to be in a niche that doesn’t, but you do, then you can easily dominate those rankings.
  • Anyway in a nutshell you can easily avoid these three search engine sins. Do your keyword homework. Keep your pages on a strict diet. And don't forget link up with as many other quality sites as you can.
  • Do all that and you’re well on your way to search engine success. Ignore this advice and you’re, well you know, your Google goose is probably cooked. Leaving you perpetually stuck in Google purgatory.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Adsense is beginning to make a huge impact on the affiliate marketing industry today. Because of this, weak affiliate merchants have the tendency to die faster than ever and ad networks will be losing their customers quickly.

If you are in a losing rather than winning in the affiliate program you are currently promoting, maybe it is about time to consider going into the Adsense marketing and start earning some real cash.

Google is readily providing well written and highly relevant ads that are closely chosen to match the content on your pages. You do not have to look for them yourselves as the search engine will be the doing the searching for you from other people’s source.

You also don't have to spend time in choosing different kind of ads for different pages. Google makes it very easy for you, with no codes to mess around for different affiliate programs.

You will be able to concentrate on providing good and quality content, as the search engines will be the ones finding the best ads in which to put your pages on.

You are still allowed to add Adsense ads even if you already have affiliate links on your site. It is prohibited, however, to imitate the look and feel of the Google ads for your affiliate links. One of the things you can do, however, is to utilize Google's custom palette to customize your Google ads, making them to appear a part of the web page itself. The idea here is to match background and links to match the theme of your site. People on the internet today are trained to click on a link that is blue, and if your Google ads have the same theme as your web page, it makes the Google ads appear to be a portion of your "content."

You can also filter up to 200 URLs. This gives you a chance to block ads for the sites that do not meet your guidelines, and also block competitors. Remember that it is unavoidable that Adsense may be competing for some space on web sites that all other revenues are sharing.

Owners of small sites are allowed to plug a bit of a code into their sites and instantly have relevant text ads that appeal to your visitors appear instantly on your pages. If you own many sites, you only need to apply once. Then ,you are issued a unique "publisher ID", which can be used on any site you currently own. A small snippet of Javascript is placed on your site in the location you wish the ads to appear in, and generally speaking, the ads from Goggle will appear in minutes. This ends the hassle of having to apply to many affiliate programs, and keeping track of many different URL's and user ID's and passwords.

As Google ads are very easy to customize, and can be placed anywhere on your site you wish, you can experiment with placement, colors, and themes. Many tricks are available to the resourceful webmaster, including adding images in conjunction with your Google ads to make them more noticeable.

The payment rates can vary extremely. The payment you will be receiving per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise with the use of the AdWords. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents and as high as $10-12, sometimes even more than that too. Some savvy lawyers are currently paying as high as $75 for advertising the keyword mesothelioma! And you, as the ad publisher, are earning a share of that money generated.

If your results remain stagnant, it can help if you try and build simple and uncluttered pages so that the ads can catch the visitor’s eyes more. It sometimes pay to differ from the usual things that people are doing already. Google has many tutorials, including a "heat chart" which shows you where the best placement for ads are. You will need an account to access these tutorials. Sign up for an Adsense account at https://www.google.com/adsense/?sourceid=aso&subid=ww-et-awhome&hl=en_US. It is also a refreshing sight for your visitor once they see something different for a change.

It is still wise to look at other people’s information and format your Adsense in a like manner. A wise old business axiom is to "find a good business model, then copy it." Let others do the hard work for you, and learn from a successful site. Just think about it as doing yourself a favor by not having to work too hard to know what content to have. Look to sites that have high page rank, and carefully observe their layouts, their content, and placement of their ads. A little time spent doing research can put dollars in your pocket down the road.

Publishers have the option of choosing to have their ads displayed only on a certain site or sites. You can also have them displayed on a large network of sites if you so desire. Google now has the option to allow other people to advertise on your site. This only makes good sense. If you are marketing to a tightly defined niche, you can place your own ads, written by you, on site that allow this option. The choice is yours, depending on what you think will work best to your advantage.

It is important to note that you cannot choose certain topics only. If you do this, search engines will not place Adsense ads on your site and you will be missing out a great opportunity in making hundreds and even thousands of dollars cash.

Topics to be avoided includes gambling, firearms, ammunition, tobacco or drugs. If you are being offered more cash in exchange of doing Adsense with these kinds, it is just like signing your own termination paper.

With all the information that people need in your hands already, all you have to do is turn Google Adsense into your own cash cow. It all boils down to a win-win situation both for the content site owners and the webmasters or publishers.